Do you want to know more about position control in hydraulic systems?
Do you want to know more about this project?
J. L. Sarmiento and C., Borrás. Modeling, design and analysis of three controllers based on LQR formulation for a non-linear hydraulic uniaxial seismic shake table. 3rd International Conference on Power, Energy and Mechanical Engineering. 2019.
C. Borrás, J. L. Sarmiento and J. F. Ortiz. Dynamic model and control design for a nonlinear hydraulic actuator. ASME 2018 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. Pittsburgh, PA, USA, 2018.
C. Borrás, J. L. Sarmiento y J. F. Ortiz. Modelo dinámico y diseño de estrategias de control para un actuador no lineal hidráulico. XI Congreso Colombiano de Métodos Numéricos. Bucaramanga, Colombia, 2017.
Made by: José Luis Sarmiento
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