
Why doing THIS is so simple yet so important for lower back strength and health.

Why doing THIS is so simple yet so important for lower back strength and health. In this video, my client and friend Dr. Calvin Tham is working out this portion of his core to make sure he doesn't get problems down the road.
Whether you work for someone or work for yourself, having a seated job that requires hours on hours of sitting usually end up developing weak core muscles and weak lower body muscles.
When neglected, this usually contributes to bigger and more serious problems like knee pain, sprained ankles, and painful backs and shoulders.
My belief is that, we workout to live happy, to live well, to feel as great as we can especially as many of us role into the older years of our life.
I'm also a huge believer that our bodies constantly give us feedback, starting with small increments of pain or comfort, which can develop over time into something much greater, either good or bad, should we choose to either listen to our bodies or neglect what they're trying to notify us of, which usually starts as a form of, what I like to call, "physical whispering"
Take good care of your body, and your body will take very good care of you.


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