But ... is it good? Is it worthwhile?
I walk through the perks and skills, how to craft and use, and test it out in various situations to give you a good idea of how to use it.
✔️ Perks & Skills!
✔️ Crafting - Resources!
✔️ Damage - Mods
✔️ Using against zombies!
✔️ Final thoughts?
❌ A couple of serious bugs!
Does anyone use it?
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Alpha 18 Videos!
Guide Stun Baton 🡺
Multi function Horde Base 🡺
Electricity TIPS N TRICKS 🡺
Guide to Archery! 🡺
Space Invader Melee Base! 🡺
Adding a Prefab in Game! 🡺
Water to prevent Fall Damage? 🡺
DEEP double fall Trap Base 🡺
Advanced Electricity Guide 🡺
Guide to Land Mines! 🡺
Underground Parking Base! 🡺
Basic Electricity 🡺
Amazing Shape Menu Selector 🡺
Slippery Slop Horde base! 🡺
Alpha 18.2 Patch Review! 🡺
Killer Dart Pit Horde Base! 🡺
Guide - Shotgun Turret! 🡺
Mod - Expanded Decorations! 🡺
Drooling Pig Base! 🡺
MP Survival Home Base 🡺
Update 18.1 🡺
SAFE Entry - Underground Base 🡺
Water XP Corridor 🡺
Blade Traps vs Demolisher! 🡺
Setup Dedicated 18e Server! 🡺
Auto Hatch Base 🡺
FULLY Cheesed base vs hordes 🡺
Book Series: Urban Combat 🡺
Demolisher Zombie 🡺
Super Cheesy Ramp Base 🡺
Lockpicks! 🡺
Grenades & Timed Charges! 🡺
Mountain Lion 🡺
Art of Mining 🡺
Powered Doors/bridges 🡺
Release Feature Discussion 🡺
Bandits in A18! 🡺
Video Playlists:
🔗 Alpha 18 - 7 Days to Die Videos! 🡺
🔗 7 Days to Die Guides and Tips 🡺
🔗 Misc 7Days to Die Series 🡺
Advanced Electricity Tutorial🡺
Basic Electricity Tutorial🡺
Dedicated Server Tutorial🡺
Build Start Day 7 Base🡺
Build Advanced Cop Trap🡺
Server Management 7D2D RAT Tutorial🡺
Build the Best Horde Base Ever🡺
HowTo install War of the Walkers and 7D2D Mod Launcher🡺
Backup and Restore your world save🡺
Simple Dedicated Server Install and Setup🡺