
Looking for the Wapiti Wolves in Yellowstone

Looking for the Wapiti Wolves in Yellowstone Wolves, wolf tracks, looking for wolves, bison in snow, clients and the wolf searching scene, moments in Yellowstone National Park.

As a guide in Yellowstone, conducting private photography workshops and wildlife photography tours, I spend my days in the park searching for wildlife, taking photos, hiking around, or shoveling snow.

Recently, I have spent a lot of time looking for Wapiti wolves, by scanning the landscape with binoculars and scope, following tracks, and listening for howling. The tracks in this video show the pack leaving town. But, who knows, they might be back soon. If wolves are not around, I go searching for those special photography moments, like a bull bison on a snowy afternoon in Round Prairie and sharing with my client.

This video contains some moments with Wapiti wolves (be sure to watch for the black wolf doing a somersault - makes me laugh every time), following some Wapiti wolf tracks, checking out Wapiti wolf scat, looking through a scope, photographing bison in snow and giving you slices of time spent in the nation's first national park.

hell roaring,wild wolves,wapiti wolf pack,wolf tracks,snow,winter,yellowstone national park,deby dixon,yellowstone's wild world,photography,guiding,workshops,nature,

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