Well, explosions in space actually do make sounds, and in this video, we will explore it using a battle in Star Wars!
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Made by Teddy Tablante
Key Branches from this video are: Sound, Vacuums, Atmosphere, Star Wars
Animation built using Blender 2.81a
Post with Adobe Premiere Pro and Adobe After Effects
Sound editing with Reaper
Work Cited:
Cody's Lab "Sound of Explosions in Space? Part 1"
Note: Strange enough, there are very few scientific papers or articles on the effects of explosions in vacuums. People should remedy this and publish a paper on it.
Music Attribution in Order:
Divider by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
Action Time by Biz Baz Studio from YouTube Audio Library
#StarWars #SoundInSpace #VacuumScience