
How to free yourself & find ME time, without feeling guilt.

How to free yourself & find ME time, without feeling guilt. How to free yourself & find ME time, without feeling guilt.

One of you posted a comment recently that got me thinking …

You’re working 60 hours per week in a fulltime job, plus a part-time job, taking classes, looking after elderly parents. Your adult children are trashing the kitchen, neither cooking or cleaning, helping a disabled sister. You’re going to medical appointments for health problems, battling home maintenance and an insurance company.
You have zero time for yourself, let alone dating. Your fear is you’ll only ever be able to start thinking about you and your needs and looking for love only after retirement.
Your life is just way too busy!

You say that you could use some coaching to find a way to do this but dating is way too time-consuming and you’d just don’t have the time.

Wow! You sound exhausted and you should be! I’m shattered for you.
You’re putting everyone’s needs above your own, your children are taking you for granted and treating you a bit like a doormat. You have zero hours in the day left for you AND your health is suffering.

Does anyone else feel this way?

Here’s the bottom line. If you don’t put your needs first, above everyone else’s. If you have to deal with everyone else’s problems that you can barely manage your own then this is what will happen:

- You’ll burn out
- You’ll feel resentful and wonder if anyone even cares about you
- You’ll realize when it’s too late that your efforts may be in vain and you’re the one that’s left a wreck.
- You’ll veer so far away from yourself you won’t know who you are anymore
- You’ll keep giving everyone the impression that you will always be the strong one and take responsibility for everything

But it doesn’t have to be this way.

While most women who have come from abusive relationships are struggling to stay strong, look after everyone else around them and putting their needs above and at the expense of their own, a handful of savvy women are quietly saying to themselves enough is enough and taking the simpler, less exhausting approach!

Which is to focus on themselves and their needs first, above and beyond anyone else, letting go of taking on everything, trying to look after or save everyone else around them and finally finding stillness and time for themselves, without feeling guilty for doing so or that they’ve failed.

At the same time setting clear boundaries, never being treated like a doormat again and finding time to start doing nice things for themselves such as -- yes, dating again.

I’ll soon be posting my new free masterclass in which I’ll reveal the 5 simple mind shifts these women have made that you probably haven’t that will be the game-changer if you’d like to be more like them. So keep an eye out for that very soon!

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Norma took action and changed her life:

Never settle for less than you deserve again (FB Group):

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