
국수와 파라핀오일을 충분히 넉넉히 준비하라.왜냐하면...Make sure you have enough noodles and paraffin oil. Because…

국수와 파라핀오일을 충분히 넉넉히 준비하라.왜냐하면...Make sure you have enough noodles and paraffin oil. Because… 흠 눅21:10-11
10 또 이르시되 민족이 민족을, 나라가 나라를 대적하여 일어나겠고
11 처처에 큰 지진과 기근과 온역이 있겠고 또 무서운 일과 하늘로서 큰 징조들이 있으리라

Luke 21:10-11 [KJV]
Then said he unto them, Nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom:
And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.,illuminati,666,ww3,전쟁,예언,지진,샌프란시스코,샌프란시스코지진,에펠탑,빅벤,종말,2020예언,2020전쟁예언,2020종말,2020,종말예언,

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