
Making An Impression - The Latest News On The Firms, Strategies And Deals Making An Impact

Making An Impression - The Latest News On The Firms, Strategies And Deals Making An Impact It's been a notable few weeks in financial services with a number of newsworthy firms going public with information on the deals and strategies which will certainly impact the industry landscape. From Advisor Group completing their merger with Ladenburg Thalmann, to Pershing lowering the requirements for firms to enter their institutional side, and Stewart Partners conducting their annual goals meeting - Elite Consulting Partners CEO Frank LaRosa lends his insider insight and offers informed opinions on these topics and more.

Elite Consulting Partners,Frank LaRosa,Financial Advisors Podcast,Financial Services Advice,Practitioner,Recruiter,Wirehouse,Broker Dealer,Merger and Acquisitions,Entrepreneur,Success,Arete,Financial Services Podcast,advisor talk,

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