
Taurus Timeless: They're Idealistic, You're Realistic

Taurus Timeless: They're Idealistic, You're Realistic Channel Schedule:
Monday: Aries and Libra
Tuesday: Taurus and Scorpio
Wednesday: Gemini and Sagittarius
Thursday: Cancer and Capricorn
Friday: Leo and Aquarius
Saturday: Virgo and Pisces
Sunday: Pick a pile readings

If you’re interested in a personal reading, I can be found at Fiverr using this link:

Readings start as low as $5.

Please know, that the tarot readings I offer are meant to serve as a "snapshot" of your current energy and where your current energy is heading. You should always take decisions based on your own intuition, as you are able to control where your own life goes. My readings work best when used in conjunction with your own intuition :)

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