
WHO says novel coronavirus not yet a pandemic

WHO says novel coronavirus not yet a pandemic WHO "신종코로나, 아직 대유행 아냐…변종 많지 않아"

Let's start with our continuing coverage of the coronavirus outbreak.
The World Health Organization says the outbreak that has infected tens of thousands of people worldwide does NOT constitute a pandemic.
A WHO official added that face masks alone are not enough to protect against the virus,... and instead recommended that everyone wash their hands properly.
Lee Seung-jae reports
Speaking at a news conference in Geneva on Tuesday,... the Director of Global Infectious Hazard Preparedness at the World Health Organization, Sylvie Briand said the coronavirus outbreak, which has killed hundreds and left tens of thousands of people sick worldwide, does not constitute a pandemic.
Instead,... she says the outbreak is an epidemic with "multiple foci".
"Currently we are not in a pandemic. We are at the phase where it's an epidemic with multiple foci and we will try to extinguish the transmission in each of these foci."
Addressing rumors surrounding the coronavirus,... Briand says there's no evidence the virus was mutating.
"I think maybe I know that there have been also some information saying that the virus while spreading is changing, and mutating and so on, but so far we have no evidence of that, it's still quite a stable virus."
According to Briand,... it's important for those with the coronavirus to wear face masks in order to stop human-to-human transmission,... but for people who have no symptoms,... a mask itself will not necessarily protect them.
Instead she said there are other measures that need to be followed, such as frequent hand washing.
The WHO has been closely working with global experts, governments and other partners to rapidly expand its scientific knowledge on the novel coronavirus.
Lee Seung-jae, Arirang News.

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