
Getting Started with In-Hand Work: Leading with Connection

Getting Started with In-Hand Work: Leading with Connection In-hand work includes teaching collection and lateral exercises from a leading position, both at liberty and with a lead rope. So, step one is ensuring that your horse leads well (this is often missed and causes lots of in-hand work problems!).

Leading with connection means that you and your horse are walking together, staying in communication with each other through movement. Firstly, we teach the horses to walk calmly by our side and then build the leading to changes of pace, direction, bending and going straight. They sound deceptively easy but don’t miss this step as many horses actually struggle to stand still, walk with you and turn easily - this is your foundation before moving onto more advanced exercises like shoulder-in or haunches-in, so take the time to get it right.

Find out how to get connected with your horse through leading and how it forms the foundation of in-hand work in this video.

In the CT Club, you can find a full step-by-step progressive programme for connecting with your horse, overcoming leading issues and teaching in-hand work to your horse, from this stage right up to shoulder-in, haunches-in and collected work. The CT Club is our online membership site with hundreds of video tutorials and support through our forum, Q&A, Training Journals and more!

Check it out and sign up here:
We look forward to seeing you there :-)

➤ You can also find out more in the #1 bestselling Connection Training BOOK 📖
Get it on Amazon (search for 'Connection Training') or download Chapter 1 free here: for a preview 👀

➤ More info on us, our training approach and the CT Club can be found at:

in-hand work,classical dressage,clicker training,positive reinforcement,teach horse to lead nicely,leading problems,

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