Hiya folks, thanks for joining my Daily Shave. Today’s hardware review was an awesome shave. While I spoke about how far synthetic brushes have come, I didn’t specifically mention the things I liked about the Eco I was testing. First of all, the handle. It’s made of a rubberized type material that reminds me of a super dense high bounce ball. The shape of it fit well in my hand, and that material really gave me an outstanding grip. I have a feeling we’re going to see a lot more brush handles made with it. The brush whipped up a great lather and truly had the feel and backbone of a natural hair brush. I’m sad to pass it along to my next fellow Daily Shaver.
Speaking of sad passing along hardware, the stainless steel Karve was phenomenal!! I loved using it. I was able to get a great shave each time, though I was always careful because there was always a piece of my mind that thought it was more aggressive than I was feeling and if I got sloppy it would bite me. I was wrong. I had a great shave every time. I liked the heft of the stainless steel, but I would love to get a brass one, or would wait for a copper one. I don’t have a copper razor and I would love to see how one ages.
The soap, which is usually the highlight of my shaves, took a back seat today for the hardware. However, As always, the slickness and protection I got from Dr. John’s soap was great. The scent is a great one too. While I’m a bit late for the holidays, it’s nice to be brought back to the the Thanksgiving to New Year season, when all the stores smell like holiday cheer. Krampus hits that note for me. I’m glad this soap doesn’t have to join the razor and brush for a shipping adventure to the next Daily Shaver. I’ll be keeping this one in my den.
Thanks for spending time with me today. Hope to see you next time. Until then, be generous.
For all the best products in traditional wet shaving. Check out West Coast Shaving
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