
Where Does Noem Call home? And Does It Really Matter?

Where Does Noem Call home? And Does It Really Matter? Who is living in the governor's mansion in Pierre, and does it really matter?

Kevin Woster is a contributing writer to SDPB with On the Other Hand, his weekly blog available at

Woster began his journalism career in 1973 as a reporter for the Chamberlain Register. He’s also reported for the Brookings Register, Sioux Falls Argus Leader, and KELO TV, and has freelanced for outdoors and ag magazines. Woster has covered agriculture, national and state politics, natural resources and the outdoors. He’s reported on approximately 15 legislative sessions — including stints for both the Rapid City Journal and the Argus Leader as capital bureau reporter. Woster began blogging in 2004, with Mount Blogmore, with Bill Harlan and Denise Ross at the Rapid City Journal.

Kevin Woster,Kristi Noem,South dakota,South Dakota's Governor,Gov Noem,Noem,Governor Noem,SDPB,Kevin,Woster,SDPB News,Legislative Session,Sexism,South Dakota Public Broadcasting,

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