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This is a brand-new YouTube channel that I just launched on January 3rd, 2020. After years of struggling with my own challenges of staying healthy, I finally found an answer that worked for me and that has helped others.
In 1996, I found myself in a state of obesity for the first time in my life. I was experiencing many of the health related symptoms including anxiety, depression, high-blood pressure and an overall feeling of hopelessness. That year ended ultimately with me being out of shape and unemployed.
However, I gradually managed to get my health & fitness back via the usual methods (extreme gym sessions, counting calories and weighing everything I ate). This was fine for a while... ...until I found myself in a state of obesity for the 2nd time!
Yes, late one winter night in 2005, I found myself zoned out completely in the darkness of my living room. This is the night that I had a "special glimpse" of my joyful self as a child.
This is the night that I decided to make some real and permanent change. It all began with a long walk.
The days that followed were full of excitement and intense thought. It was like something or someone was guiding me out of the darkness and into a place of enlightenment. I ignored all distractions and began some real work toward progress. I began asking myself some very tough, but amazingly insightful questions.
Those questions lead me to the answers I was seeking, and to this day, some 16 years later, not only am I in the best shape of my life, but am filled with joy, hope and true purpose.
For I have discovered the one key factor that determines whether you succeed or fail in your fitness and weight-loss efforts, which is currently being ignored in the fitness industry (Hint: It isn't exercise and it isn't dieting).
A few years back I decided to begin writing my first book, "Fit Anyway", which is based on my years of struggle and experience in overcoming the four (4) common roadblocks / excuses associated with the weight-loss battle:
1) "I don't know how!"
2) "I don't have time!"
3) "I can't afford it!", and
4) "I'm way too old / out of shape!"
I also took it one step further and decided to create a full blown online course that includes hours of video and downloadable worksheets that take you through the whole process step-by-step in a paint-by-numbers approach.
Ethan LeRock is the author of the book Fit Anyway, founder of Fit Anyway Academy, and has lived a lifetime dedicated to health, fitness, and an improved quality of life. He is one of the most knowledgeable and effective instructors available, with over 36 years of experience.
From a state of obesity, Ethan was fortunate enough to have a brief glimpse into something that truly changed his life. Since then, he has made it his life’s mission to discover what the best methods are for obtaining fitness and to help others achieve their most optimum heath, happiness, and to take control of their lives. He founded Fit Anyway Academy and created the book Fit Anyway in order to teach others something entirely different than what is currently being offered in the health & fitness industry. The intent of Fit Anyway Academy and the book is to allow users to address the first and most important barrier between them and their fitness dreams. That barrier is their psychology and how they think. It really is the big white elephant in the room (as he calls it) and as many have discovered it is more important than any training routine, diet regimen or supplement being offered today.
An over forty trainer himself (now over 50!), Ethan specializes in inspiring and motivating others who have struggled with weight-loss and other personal challenges over the course of their lives. His message that “regardless of the situation or excuse anyone can be Fit Anyway” has inspired others to stop repeating negative habits and take control of their lives.
As a devoted father, family man, and gainfully employed provider, Ethan has truly proven that his methods are not only effective for the elite or privileged athlete, but also for the every day, average 9 to 5 working mom and dad. Ethan’s own physique is the direct result of the directives in this book. His hope is that by sharing his insights, he can help every overweight mom, dad and person over the age of forty, so they too may win at weight-loss with these effectively targeted step-by-step instructions.
Meet him at EthanLeRock.com